Chal Nakhjir Cave

Chal Nakhjir is a rare geological phenomenon, discovered in 1989 and is located on the side of the road
connecting Delijan to Naragh, Markazi province, Iran. The cave belongs to the Cenozoic period and has
been formed as a result of tectonic factors and aerobic chemical reactions.Chal Nakhjir is known for its
exceptional white dolomite sediments, covering the floor of major corridors of the cave. The speleothems
are exceptional too, looking like white popcorn. Even regular stalactites and stalagmites have this pure white
cover of calcite and aragonite crystals.The height of this cave in some places reaches over 20 m while having
deep valleys in its divergent paths. A cave lake is located 140m inside the cave, 70m below the entrance.The cave
opened for public on March 2010.Chal Nakhjir is a rare geological phenomenon which was recently discovered in
1989 and is located in the township of Delijan. This cave belongs to the Cenozoic period and has been formed as a r
esult of tectonic factors and aerobic chemical reactions. It has beautiful decorative stones. The height of this cave in
some places reaches over 20 m.and has deep valleys in its divergent paths. The reflection of light through prism
of crystals and calcite stones, beside variable hangings from ceiling and spongy crystalic covering of the walls and
flooring, create an exotic sight and ranks this cave to one of the most beautiful and outstanding caves of the world in
attracting tourists.Certain characteristics such as passages, lakes, pools and columns have presented with a special beauty
to this cave. It is said that there is a pool of water at the end of thisCave large halls alongside. This cave is a rare and
exceptional site for tourists is worth seeing.
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