Alisadr Cave

Alisadr cave is the longest water cave in the world. It is located in the northwest of Hamedan, along Zagros ranges. It originates from the second geologic period ( Jurassic 136-190 ) about million years ago. Some of Hamedan Mountain climbers from Hamedan club which was called Sina found the cave in 1961-62, then in 1967 by widening of cave opening the first booting sailed by primary facilities In old ages, natives used the cave opening as a shelter and its water for farm irrigation. The cave has also been called as Alisad or Alisard. Based on documents the entrance of the cave was used in Safavieh’speriod so that it was used as a shelter and its water was used for agriculturing Upon entering, visitors see a vast area that leads them through a wide path onto a wharf where they must take a boat to continue their tour.Visitors then move through a number of labyrinthine halls, ending in the 'Island', which is located 350 meters from the wharf.More than 11 kilometers of the cave's water canals have been discovered so far. Some routes are 10 to 11 kilometers long and all lead to the 'Island'.Icicle-shaped lime decorates the ceiling of the magnificent cave in some parts.The steady dripping of mineral-containing water has created beautiful red, purple, brown, green and blue lime pillars in the shape of cauliflowers, needles and umbrellas.Excavations and archeological studies of the cave have led to the discovery of ancient artworks, jugs and pitchers dating back to 12000 years ago.The animals, hunting scenes and bows and arrows depicted on the walls and passages of the exit section, suggest primitive man used the cave as their abode.The 70 million-year old cave which was first discovered by Iranian mountaineers in 1963, is visited by some 80,000 tourists annually.
The Cave Climate
Alisadr is a live cave and there is no poisonous gas in it. And because of flowing of air there is no shoot of breath. Because of no sunlight, there is no living thing in this cave. The main point is it is a kind of fortified cave so that there is no land ship in past five millions year. Since stalactites and stalagmites are seen the same age. Meanwhile about 11/440 kilometers of passage way were identified in different stages that around 3/2 kilometers of it are being visited by tourists
Geographical Situation
The cave is located in the 70 Km, northwest and the highest area of Hamedan, with gate elevation of 2180 m from sea level.
Alisadr’s Accommodations
There are so many accommodations for convenient visiting and attracting touists such as hotel, restaurant, furnished suites, cinema, shopping center, toy land, and gunfire site
wonderful alisadr cave
After millions of years they extended and gradually connected to each Molis Cave in France, Bookan, and Shovaliyeh caves in Australia.
Its colorless water has no smell. In addition, it has a normal taste. There exists no living creature in the cave’s water and its temperature is 12o centigrade. The water is so limpid that one can see the depth of 10 meters with naked eyes and ordinary light. The results of physical- chemical experiments show that the chemical composition of water is approximately the same in different parts of the cave and is considered as light calcic bicarbonate with the nearly neutral pH (acidity). The water is not drinkable because it contains different calcareous salts.
Since the surplus water of the cave flows out of the cave in the form of fountains (like Cheshmehshoor), the amount of water flowing in the cave is stable, but when there is shortage of water supply, it has some fluctuations that its effects can be seen on the cave walls.
Depth of water changes from zero to 14 meters in different parts. The amount of water flowing in the cave is supplied by rainfalls, underground springs, continues flowing of water from the walls and cave ceiling, all of them are provided by raining and snowing. The height of ceiling in some parts is about 10 meters; it is covered by pure carbonate calcium and some combinations of it in other parts. They were formed on the way of following water from outside the cave. These sediments made different forms of stalactites on the floor and waterless areas. There are also various attractive stalagmites.
Inside the cave, One can see a nice view and inhale fresh air without dust and microbial impurity. It is cold in summers and warm in winters. It has a light motionless whether in such a manner that if one lights on the candle, no move is seen in its flame.
Although all of the cave chambers have not been explored, climbers advanced about 10-11 km along them. At present time, after boating one can walk along the cave and continue his way by boat. So far, 14 kilometers of the cave canals have been explored, but only some 4 kilometers have been illuminated and all ready to use. After visiting the stalactites, the great stalactites, the third and forth islands, boating, cave climbing, passing through water paths and crystalline ceiling chambers, one believes that this phenomenon is one of the masterpieces of universe creature’s which no one can describe and show all of its glory and beauty.
Formation Process
After combination of rainwater with CO2 in air and formation mild Acid Carbonic, it penetrate into the calcareous fields and by chemical reactions, unstable Bicarbonate Sodium has been formed. This soluble chemical composition created voids into the thick calcareous layers.
Formation History
Geologists believe that the rocks of this mountain belong to the second geological period i.e. Jurassic (190-130 million years ago). As evidences inside the cave show, primitive people lived in the cave. People of Alisadr and other near villages knew this fact and used its water, but it was not used for tourism purposes. On 28.9.1963 Hamedan climbing board team with 14 members visited the cave and searched it. They used simple apparatus like flashlight and rubber tube to move forward. The news of expedition was published in the local newspapers and in 1967 after broadcasting the news, investigators, climbers, and naturalists flooded to visit the site. In 1973, Hamedan climber extended the entrance hole diameter by 50 cm. in 1975 people began to visit the cave.
In those days, villagers used flashlights, boats, and paddles for directing tourists through the cave.
Geographical Situation
Alisadr cave is one of the rare samples of boatable watercaves and most wonderful phenomenon in the world. In the distance of 75 kilometers north west of Hamedan. It is located in Alisadr village, one of the districts of Kabudarahang Township.
The cave lies on the 48o 18’ parallel of longitude and on the 35o and 18’ parallel of latitude with an approximate altitude of 1900 meters above the sea level.
It is possible to go to Alisadr cave via three routs:
1) Hamedan- Bijar via Lalejin road: it was constructed recently
2) Hamedan- Tehran road, via Nojeh Air Base
3) Hamedan- Saleh Abad road
Alisadr Cave was formed in sarighiyeh leights (Yellow Rock). There are two other cave in these heights: Subashi and Sarab, Their distance to Alisadr Cave are 11 and 7 kilometers. These cave probably connected to Alisadr Cave, Because of the high extension of crystallized calcareous layer in the region.